Sunday, November 14, 2010

American Values

Some questions for my reader(s):

Forget your grievances over what the United States has done or not done.  How do you feel about the original IDEA of America?  Not the results, the intention.

Could you tell someone what values are behind that idea, and what is unique about what America is supposed to be about?  Do you see it as notable and good, something you agree with and can believe in?

Are we missing a sense of solidarity as a country and as Americans, and should we have a national sense like that?  (E Pluribus Unum---from many, one.)  If we are to be a country of one people, what values would unify us?

Have we missed our chance to view our country as something in which we could believe and take pride?


  1. Perhaps this country was built on the idea of each man contributing to a greater whole of success. A success from the ground up, indebted to no one but his own kinsman. I think values of collective success have been lost. Success is too individualized. Sure, there is "the american dream", but that is cloudy at best. People think that their work is somehow more special and can't be contributing to a greater whole. As we know, the view of socialism, communism or any collective is one of disdain and rejection. These are all communal concepts that I believe our country was predicated on. Much was lost once we started venturing, finding new frontiers, homesteading, etc. The differences between Jamestown and..well, lets just say what we came here to find and foster is long since gone. I think there is great hope for more communal living in the distant future, but we are all too hung-up on complicated living. Salt of the earth has become a different seasoning all-together

  2. Good comment Laggy! Keep 'em comin' people...
